
Memorial Day in Dacula

- - - Our Mission - - -

To promote patriotism and encourage area citizens and businesses to participate
in a celebration of our country's freedom on Memorial Day by honoring all
those who have served their country and paid the ultimate price for our FREEDOM.

Welcome to the OFFICIAL website for
Memorial Day in Dacula

The rain & storms took away the parade in 2024...but we will try again in 2025!

Do you want to participate in the Memorial Day parade in 2025?

Mark your calendars now!

31st (try #2) Memorial Day parade in Dacula

Memorial Day
Monday, May 26, 2025
10:00 a.m.

Parade information and entry forms will be available here
Early 2025

Have a question?
Email us here

What is Memorial Day all about?

Click HERE for Memorial Day Facts, Meaning and Traditions

About The Parade

The annual Dacula Memorial Day Parade will once again step off on Monday, May 26, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. The parade takes place rain or shine (unless there are active serious thunderstorms in the area).  There is no rain date.

Founded by Marvin Atherton, the Dacula Memorial Day parade has been a proud tradition in Dacula since 1994. The parade has grown over the years with about 100 units participating in the parade each year! Families begin to line the street hours before the parade begins. There are 10,000 plus spectators lining the parade route when the parade steps off at 10:00 a.m.

The annual Dacula Memorial Day parade is one of the most high profile events in the metro Atlanta area on Memorial Day. It is important that we take this opportunity to honor the sacrifice made by thousands of Americans who died guarding our precious liberties and way of life. As founder of the Dacula Memorial Day parade, it is my goal to see that today's youth understand the significance of Memorial Day. For this reason, every participating parade unit is to focus on honoring our Fallen Heroes and display Patriotism.

The parade features our Fallen Heores, Veterans, Veterans organizations, active and reserve service men and women, active and restored military vehicles, marching bands, Scouts, churches, community groups, local businesses, horses, antique and classic cars, tractors and much more!

We hope you will plan to join us while we honor those who gave their lives for our freedom!

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